Risk Assessment for the Seismic protection Of industRial facilities
UPa team
University of Patras (UPa), Engineering Seismology Group. Generation of earthquake time history records which incorporate the seismic waves diffracted in basin into the stochastic modelling of ground motions, the spatial correlation and the scaling law of source spectra based on data from the Greek area seismic risk assessment framework.
The members of team are:
A. Papageorgiou (Team Leader, Professor at UPa),
G. Mavroeidis(Visiting researcher from USA, Associate Professor at the Catholic University of America),
K.C. Meja-Fajardo (External Research Team Member, Associate Professor at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras) and
one PhD student.
Visiting researchers from abroad G. Mavroeidis and K.C. Meja-Fajardo will add to the value of the consortium with their expertise in the Specific Barrier Model and the stochastic approach of simulating seismic ground motions, respectively.