Risk Assessment for the Seismic protection Of industRial facilities
WP7. Dissemination
The last WP concerns the dissemination of the project findings. Apart from papers in journals and in proceedings of international conferences, a Technical Report will be published. The report will include all project findings for the seismic risk assessment of industrial equipment structures in the form of guidelines. The Technical Report will also include the application of the proposed PBEE methodology on characteristic industrial structures, i.e. an atmospheric tank, a pressure vessel and a piping system, in order to provide all necessary details that will allow the future application of the proposed framework by owners of industrial facilities and authorities. Moreover, a special workshop will be organized where the numerous studies that took place during the project will be presented and discussed. The workshop will have a wide targeted audience, including, civil, mechanical, chemical and environmental engineers. All the material of the project will be widely available through the project web page. The NTUA team will hold the overall responsibility for the dissemination of project findings, while all the participating research teams will contribute with the findings of their research.