Dimitrios Vamvatsikos

Dr. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos (Team Member), Civil engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (Diploma, 1997),  MSc in geomechanics, 1998, Stanford University,PhDe in civil & environmental engineering (2002) with a focus on earthquake engineering. On September 2005 he was appointed at the University of Cyprus, where he taught design of steel structures, earthquake engineering and nonlinear structural analysis. On January 2011 he joined the faculty of the Metal Structures Laboratory at the National Technical University of Athens, where he is now a Marie Curie Fellow specializing in the static and dynamic analysis of steel structures. His research interests are focused on integrating structural modeling, computational techniques, probabilistic concepts and experimental results into a coherent framework for the performance evaluation of structures and infrastructure under seismic loading. His seminal work in Incremental Dynamic Analysis has received wide attention, leading to more than 340 citations (Scopus: May/2011), placing him among the top cited earthquake engineers under the age of forty in the world. He is now a recognized expert in earthquake engineering, recipient of two international awards, a regular reviewer for 20 scientific journals and editorial board member in one, while he has co-authored the FEMA-P440A and NIST-GCR-10-917-9 US seismic guidelines.

Key publications:

1.Vamvatsikos D., Dolsek M. (2011). Equivalent Constant Rates for Performance-Based Assessment of Ageing Structures. Structural Safety, 33(1): 8–18. [0 citations]

2.Vamvatsikos D., Fragiadakis M. (2010). Incremental dynamic analysis for estimating seismic performance uncertainty and sensitivity. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 39(2): 141–163. [2 citations]

3.Vamvatsikos D., Cornell C.A. (2005). Direct estimation of the seismic demand and capacity of MDOF systems through Incremental Dynamic Analysis of an SDOF Approximation. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 131(4): 589–599. [33 citations]

4.Vamvatsikos D., Cornell C.A. (2004). Applied Incremental Dynamic Analysis. Earthquake Spectra, 20(2): 523–553. [34 citations]

5.Vamvatsikos D., Cornell C.A. (2002). Incremental Dynamic Analysis. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 31(3): 491–514. [241 citations]

