Risk Assessment for the Seismic protection Of industRial facilities
Kalliopi Diamanti
Dr. Kalliopi Diamanti, graduate of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Patras with a PhD diploma from the Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College in London, specializes in the field of structural design of industrial facilities, finite element modeling and non-destructive testing. Current job activities, in EBETAM A.E. (MIRTEC S.A.), include the certification of pressure equipment according to European directives, field and shop inspection of industrial facilities, approval of welding procedure specifications & welders certification and inspection of natural gas pipelines. She has previously worked as a stress engineer in Airbus Germany and as a Process Technologist in Hexcel Composites in the U.K. and has participated in 4 research projects in the field of structural health monitoring and structural analysis & design.
Key publications
[1]K. Diamanti, I. Doukas and S.A. Karamanos, Seismic Analysis and Design of Industrial Pressure Vessels, COMPDYN 2011, III ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Corfu, Greece, 26–28 May 2011.
[2]K. Diamanti, C. Soutis, Structural Health Monitoring Techniques for Aircraft Composite Structures, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 46(8), November 2010, 342-352.
[3]C. Soutis, and K. Diamanti, “Active sensing of impact damage in composite sandwich panels by low frequency Lamb waves”. The Aeronautical Journal, 112(1131), (2008), 279-283.
[4]M. Volanthen, P. Foote and K. Diamanti, Development of a Practical Optical Fibre System for Health Monitoring Composite Structures, 47th IAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 1 - 4 May 2006, Newport, Rhode Island, AIAA 2006-2116.