Risk Assessment for the Seismic protection Of industRial facilities
Spyros A.Karamanos
Dr. Spyros A. Karamanos, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D. in Structural Engineering & Mechanics from University of Texas at Austin), www.mie.uth.gr/karamanos.htm, author/co-author of more than 35 journal papers and 100 papers in conference proceedings, specializes in the field of design and analysis of industrial structural components (e.g. tanks, pressure vessels and piping) and oil & gas pipelines, with emphasis on simulation and finite element techniques. Before joining the University of Thessaly, he was a post-doctoral fellow in Steel Structures at TU Delft (1996), as well as structural design engineer with Egnatia Odos AE, Greece (1996-99). His research is related to structural integrity of industrial steel structures and pipelines, funded mainly by EU, as well as by the local industry. He is Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, member of Seismic Engrg. Committee of Pressure Vessel & Piping Division (PVP) of ASME, member of ASCE Pipeline Location and Installation Committee, and Secretary of ECCS TWG8.4 “Stability of Shells”.
Selected publications
[1]Karamanos, S. A., Giakoumatos, E. and Gresnigt, A. M., “Nonlinear Response and Failure of Steel Elbows Under In-Plane Bending and Pressure.”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, ASME, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 393-402, November 2003.
[2]Karamanos, S. A., Patkas, L. A. and Platyrrachos, M. A., “Sloshing Effects on the Seismic Design of Horizontal-Cylindrical and Spherical Industrial Vessels.”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, ASME, Vol. 128, No. 3, pp. 328-340, August 2006.
[3]Karamanos, S. A., Tsouvalas, D. and Gresnigt, A. M., “Ultimate Bending Capacity and Buckling of Pressurized 90 deg Steel Elbows.”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, ASME, Vol. 128, No. 3, pp. 348-356, August 2006 [Sam Y. Zamrik Literature Award 2006, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Pressure Vessels & Piping Division].
[4]Patkas, L. A. and Karamanos, S. A., “Variational Solutions of Liquid Sloshing in Horizontal-Cylindrical and Spherical Containers.”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 133, No. 6, pp. 641-655, June 2007.
[5]Karamanos, S. A., Papaprokopiou, D., and Platyrrachos, M. A., “Finite Element Analysis of Externally-Induced Sloshing in Horizontal-Cylindrical and Axisymmetric Industrial Vessels.”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, ASME, Vol. 131, No. 5, Article Number: 051301, October 2009.
[6]Vazouras, P., Karamanos, S. A., and Dakoulas, P., “Finite Element Analysis of Buried Steel Pipelines Under Strike-Slip Fault Displacements”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 1361–1376, November 2010.